We completely understand your situation and want you to know that we're here to support you every step of the way.
If you find yourself unable to make your Loqbox Save payments, don't worry. Your wellbeing is our priority. It's a good idea to consider 'Unlocking' your Loqbox Save, and releasing the funds which may help prevent any further stress.
While early unlocking means you won't continue building your credit history, it's a much better option than missing a payment, which could negatively affect your credit history. We're all about helping you make the best financial choices.
Remember, you're always welcome back to Loqbox whenever things are more manageable financially. In the meantime, Loqbox Coach is here to assist you in enhancing your financial knowledge, and our wellbeing hub is available to provide additional support. You can also take advantage of your personalised financial plan and more resources to help you through this time.